The 10 Worst Boyfriends in Horror Movie History

October 18, 2022

Skeet Ulrich smirks as Billy in a scene from Scream.

Horror is full of bad boyfriends/husbands, but here are some especially vile ones. With lovers like these, who needs enemies? Just in time for your Halloween movie binges, we take a deep dive into the guys who prove to be waving the bloodiest of red flags. Spoilers for Halloween Ends, Hellraiser (2022), and Scream (2022), as well as a bunch of older horror movies (Rosemary’s Baby, Christine, Edward Scissorhands, Scream 1996, Midsommar, The Invisible Man 2020).

TW: discussion of rape/sexual assault, unhealthy/abusive relationships, gaslighting, and other heavy topics. Proceed with caution. Some of the clips will feature violence and gore.

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