Things We Saw Today: ‘Freaky’ Director Trashes ‘Halloween Ends’ Hybrid Release

October 15, 2022

laurie and michael in Halloween Ends

‘Halloween Ends’ premiered this weekend like many post-pandemic films did, with a simultaneous theatrical and SVOD release. The film, which hit theaters and Peacock, gives fans their choice of how and when to watch, but many are critical of the hybrid release model. ‘Freaky’ director Christopher Landon slammed the release model on Twitter, saying that a same-day SVOD release cuts into the box office profits of the film. ‘Freaky’ was released on SVOD less than a month after it hit theaters. Landon tweeted, “Stop doing this. Please. It doesn’t work. Studios: stop gambling with filmmakers and their movies to try and prop up your fledgling streaming services. This happened to me on Freaky and it destroyed us. We worked SO HARD to make a fun movie. Blood sweat and tears. Months away from our families. And for what?”

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