Scott Baio Is a Bootlicking Weirdo

November 12, 2020

Steve Kornacki is not a weird space messiah who jumps off buildings to prove his alien magic is real and does not deserve this. (Lainey Gossip)

National treasure Dolly Parton says she ain't got time to be old. (Dlisted)

The CMAs were a maskless, indoor super-spreader event without social distancing. What else did you expect? (Celebitchy)

Does Scott Baio just skulk around craft stores leaving messages for Trump? WTF?

File this one under Jesus. F*cking. Christ: Louisville Metro Police accused of hiding more than 730,000 records related to sexual abuse of minors by officers. (The Root)

I'm not sure Hugh Grant making COVID sound like a wacky adventure is what we need right now, but considering we're all about to get it shortly, why not? (People)

Christopher Nolan seems very perplexed that people actually want to hear the dialogue in his movies. He seriously has no clue what the big deal is. (IndieWire)

From Nicole: Ibram X. Kendi always brings it, but this? I got chills reading this. (The Atlantic)

Fox News Greg Gutfeld says we're going to have two presidents now, and nope, not happening. We will have one president, and his dick will not look like Toad from Super Mario Bros. It has been decided. (Daily Beast)

WandaVision has a release date, and this headline is correct. I don't like it. (Collider)

This weekend, Kristy will be a panelist on a streaming event, where you can ask experts about how to get into cultural criticism. Register here: (Eventbrite)

Mathematician Eugenia Cheng's Beyond Infinity has been sitting on CoffeeShopReader's coffee table for three years. Prompted by Cannonball Read's recent Book Bingo Reading Challenge, she finally got it read. "I don't especially care for general philosophy, and that's a lot of what this book is: abstract, theoretical philosophy math-style." Though she didn't love it, she did learn some interesting facts and concepts. Are you a math person or a non-math person? (Cannonball Read 12)

If one of your friends hasn't already demanded you watch this slice of batshit delight today, that person is not your true friend. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you.

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