
Anna Duggar: Will She EVER Stop Having Kids?

November 30, 2020

Anna Duggar has taken a break from praying to God on behalf of Donald Trump...

... in order to put a social media troll in his/her place.

Allow us to explain:

Last week, prior to Thanksgiving, the former reality star shared a new photo of herself, her despicable husband their six children.

"Many things are temporary, family is forever," she wrote as a caption. "Nothing can replace the precious time we spend with each other!"

Now, the father of Anna's many children, Josh Duggar, may disagree with this statement because he admitted years ago that he really loves to spend (naked) time with women who are not his wife or members of his family.

Women he met over a website called Ashley Madison.

But we digress.

This isn't the time to talk about how Josh Duggar cheated on his wife (with total strangers!) or how he molested his sisters back when he was a teenager and then his parents covered up the crime.


Instead of looking back, this article is meant to look forward.

In response to the photo of Anna and her sons and daughters, one troll left the following comment:

"OK, [six] is enough LOL.”

The 32-year old parent, who has started to clap back more often of late against such critics, replied in calmn and pointed fashion.

She didn't rule out the possibility that a seven child could be on the way soon. And then an eighth and a ninth and so on.

"Well, we will have to wait and see," responded Anna, who last gave birth about a year ago.

"Right now, we are enjoying our [six] littles! As the 5th child in my family, I’m so glad my parents didn’t stop at [four]."

Fair enough, we suppose.

And we're rarely ones to tell any woman what to do with her womb, or even her life in general.

When you're married to Josh Duggar, however, there is a common cause for concern across the Internet.

Who out there wants more individuals running around that have this douche canoe's DNA?

It can be a harrowing thought experiment, you know?

Especially once you consider that Josh and Anna's kids are being raised in the same strict and conservative type of household in which Josh was raised... and it's easy to see these kinds of Duggar family rules can basically ruin a person for good.

All this said, will Josh and Anna get pregnant again?

It's almost assured.

Back in September, a follower asked Anna about her parenthood plans and she responded thusly:

“As of now, we are enjoying our 6 kids God has given us! Nursing gives me a nice break between babies so it will probably be a little while before that’s a possibility."

Probably? Or... not even remotely?

Anna's children are nearly all two years apart in age.

She gave birth last November to daughter Maryella, which would mean she's due to have Josh's sperm fertilize her egg again at some point in the next couple months in order to welcome another baby toward the end of 2021.

God help us all.

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