
Let’s All Laugh at Trump’s Tiny Widdle Baby Desk

November 28, 2020

trump tiny desk

Donald Trump is spending his final weeks as president doing his favorite things: golfing and complaining about how the election was stolen from him. We already knew that a concession and a peaceful transfer of power were off the table, as that would require Trump to care about something other than himself. But as he pours millions into state recounts and and the humiliating court losses pile up, our lame duck president looks even more pathetic and petty than usual.

So when Trump gave a whiny Thanksgiving press conference from the tiniest desk in the White House, it only exacerbated his pettiness and immaturity. Trump complained about the “rigged election” and melted down when Reuters White House correspondent Jeff Mason asked him if he would concede once the Electoral College votes come in for Biden. Trump called Mason “a lightweight” adding, “Don’t talk to me that way. I’m the president of the United States. Don’t ever talk to the president that way,” before storming out.

All in all, it was classic Trump: arrogant and boastful with nothing but hot air to back his claims. The photo of Trump sitting at the tiny desk was quickly photoshopped and meme-d across the internet, and #TinyDesk, #TrumpTantrum and #DiaperDon began trending as folks flooded online to make fun of big baby POTUS. Truly, what a day to hate Trump/have access to Photoshop.

The best part is, Trump is clearly aware that he’s trending for embarrassing reasons. The president angrily tweeted, “Twitter is sending out totally false “Trends” that have absolutely nothing to do with what is really trending in the world. They make it up, and only negative “stuff”.”

Trump humiliated yet again on an international stage? You love to see it. Only 53 days until the inauguration.

(featured image: screencap/The Rational National)

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The post Let's All Laugh at Trump's Tiny Widdle Baby Desk first appeared on The Mary Sue.

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