Woman Calls Cops After Drug Dealer Sells Her Sweetener Instead Of Her Beloved Booger Sugar

February 26, 2019


Source: Peter Dazeley / Getty

Random ridiculousness…

Woman Calls Cops After Dealer Gives Her Sugar Instead Of Cocaine

A woman’s bizarre actions elsewhere in the world are making international headlines. The Metro UK reports that a woman called the local authorities after she realized that a scammy illicit solution seller gave her sugar instead of the cocaine she ordered. Not only did the dealer NOT give her booger sugar, he gave her brown sugar instead.

The Northern Ireland woman told police that she paid £200 ($263.77 USD) for the transaction—-and police gave her “appropriate advice.”

The local authorities have since made a spectacle of the matter on their Facebook page.

“Drug dealers care about NOTHING other than lining their own pockets,’ The Metro reports police posted on their page. “But it shouldn’t surprise anyone that drug dealers are scammers!’

Gee, ya think?

Would YOU call the cops over a bad drug deal???


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