Psychological Horror Game ‘Interpoint’ Feels Like a Horror Version of ‘Portal’

February 27, 2019

While I never really got into Valve’s Portal series, you can’t deny its innovation and quality. Still, it’d be great if there was a third game. But, until then, Publisher Juvty Worlds and developer Three Dots have a treat in the form of Interpoint, which takes on a far more sinister tone than what Valve gave us.

Set for a Spring 2019 release into Early Access on Steam, Interpoint is a first-person sci-fi mystery with elements of psychological horror. You are play as Harry G., a scientist who took part in a project at Delta Laboratories that resulted in the Quantum Entanglement Device. The device allows the opening of portals to countless parallel universes. As these things go, something goes wrong, and Harry finds himself far from home.

Like Portal, Interpoint will give you a weapon which functions more like a tool than anything. The Photon Gun is able to absorb energy from surrounding objects (light from bulbs, gamma radiation from radioactive puddles, force fields in laboratories, etc.) and transform it into something else. This is key, given that you’ll be having to solve puzzles with a variety of solutions as you journey back home. This is all on top of the “twisted story” that delves into conspiracy, and will result in multiple endings.

While the game will hit Early Access first, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 users can expect the game to hit their respective consoles in the Fall.

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