Starbreeze Trying to Find a Solution With ‘Overkill’s The Walking Dead’

February 28, 2019

Despite the big news of Skybound terminating their contract with Starbreeze with regards to Overkill’s The Walking Dead, and the fact that this is essentially whistling past the graveyard for the game, Starbreeze is still trying to find a way to salvage the game.

In a new message posted on Stabreeze’s website, Starbreeze acknowledges that Skybound has ended the contract with the publisher, but Starbreeze is still trying to reach a solution that will allow Overkill’s The Walking Dead to continue.

“Starbreeze has a dialogue with Skybound with the ambition to reach a solution. Starbreeze has been informed that the product likely will be disabled for further sales on the platform Steam and should Starbreeze and Skybound not reach a solution, it would mean that the game will not be made available for sale again on Steam, and that the console version would not be released.

Sales related to OTWD amounted to SEK 34.1 million in the fourth quarter 2018. Costs related to development of OTWD has so far exceeded revenue. There are no assets related to OTWD in Starbreeze Group balance sheet.”

In spite of the statement, the sales figures for Overkill’s The Walking Dead, coupled with the cost of the game’s development (which had its own issues), makes it seem like this isn’t going to result in Skybound doing a 180.

It also doesn’t bode well for Starbreeze, which is still in trouble with its finances.

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