‘White Chamber’ Locks Up and Questions Shauna Macdonald [Trailer]

February 18, 2019

Hailing out of the UK, The Descent‘s Shauna Macdonald stars in White Chamber, which first appeared at the EFM in Berlin. Now, Dark Sky Films will be releasing the film in theaters and on VOD March 29th.

Taking place soon in the United Kingdom…

“Civil war rages, and martial law has been declared by a military government hellbent on squashing the opposition. A woman (MacDonald) wakes up in a blindingly white cuboid cell, where General Zakarian (The Mummy and Resident Evil: Extinction‘s Oded Fehr) uses increasingly sophisticated and cruel methods to torture her for information – information she claims not to have. As questions of trust are placed both on captor and captive, they find themselves embroiled in an increasingly spiraling journey into the nature of authority.

Directed by Paul Raschid, the film also stars Amrita Acharia (“Game of Thrones”). Here are the film’s official trailer and poster art.

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