February 18, 2019

Living as we are in the post-Twin Peaks: The Return era, it tickles me darkly to note that the Criterion Collection will be releasing David Lynch's Blue Velvet in a new 4K restoration, along with a new feature-length 'making of' documentary on the startling film.

In the same month of May 2019 -- known in Hollywood as 'blockbuster season' -- comes Michael Haneke's Funny Games, which certainly deserves a revisit and perhaps a reappraisal. That film is not to be mistaken in any way (except titular) with David Mamet's directorial debut House of Games, which will arrive on Blu-ray for the first time. Because of the recent death of Ricky Jay, the announcement instantly prompted a downward feeling, yet Jay's performance is only one of many delights of the thriller, so overall I'm definitely looking forward to seeing it again.

I confess ignorance of the other May 2019 releases: Claire Denis' Let the Sunshine In, Agnès Varda's One Sings, the Other Doesn't, and William Wyler's The Heiress, so I will have some catching up to do. Read more about these and other titles at the official Criterion Collection site. Guard your wallet accordingly.

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