Oh, Word? Black Daycare Owner Posted R. Kelly’s $100,000 Bail, Defends Him “He’s Not Broke…He’s A Gentleman”

February 27, 2019

R. Kelly Appears In Court For Aggravated Sexual Abuse Charges

Source: Scott Olson / Getty

The Woman Who Posted R. Kelly’s $100,000 Bail Revealed

R. Kelly found a way to post his $100,000 bail Monday night and we now know who it was that came to his broke a$$ aid.

According to DailyMail, the woman’s name is Valencia P. Love and she is the owner of several Chicago restaurants in addition to the Lord And Child Daycare on the south side. Love is a long-time friend of R. Kelly’s.

Despite the fact that this woman has made it her business to care for children professionally, she still hopped in a phone booth to tie on a cape to help a man accused of sexually abusing young girls.

Some left comments on the restaurant’s Yelp page after learning Love had posted the bail, which were all negative save one that praised the food.

Love responded to that comment by writing: ‘Thank you I just help out a Friend if he guilty let him pay for it thru the courts. I am sure some of them.have bail out murders drug dealers etc.’

Chicago’s Fox32 reporter Tia A. Ewing spoke to Valencia to ask why she assisted such a man. The notes from their conversation were posted on Twitter:

She can say that she’s not calling the girls liars, but she damn sure believes that R. Kelly is innocent.

And the “whataboutism”, good God in heaven, the whataboutism. SMFH.

Robert faces 70 years in prison if convicted on all charges. Lord willin’.

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