Anna Duggar: I’m Still Waiting for Josh … But It Hasn’t Been Easy!

December 05, 2022

It’s been almost one full year since Josh Duggar was convicted on child pornography charges.

Duggar has been sentenced to 151 months behind bars, but he’ll probably serve less than a decade of that time.

Many feel that that’s not nearly long enough, and that Josh should remain in prison for the rest of his life.

Whatever the case, the wait will be a very, very long one for Anna Duggar, who is currently tasked with raising seven children with no reliable source of income.

Josh and Anna Duggar in happier times. (Photo via Instagram)

Sure, Anna has the support of her in-laws, but it can’t be easy to care for such a large family with no money of her own.

Still, on Reddit and elsewhere, many Duggar watchers believe that Anna will eventually escape from her situation and figure out a way to survive without her infamous in-laws.


“Will Anna actually wait it out 10 more years?” one person asked this week, according to UK tabloid The Sun.

Josh Duggar might soon be back in court for his appeal. (Photo via Getty)

“Does anyone here believe ( haha!) that Anna will actually wait a full DECADE for Pest?” another asked.

“10 years is a very looong time- she’s already made it through year 1 so I think she’ll hold out. Thoughts??”

Predictions varied, but for the most part, fans believed that Anna will wait for Josh — if only because her options are severely limited.

Josh Duggar received support from his wife during his trial. (Photo via Getty)

“I think she’ll stick it out, I think the problems will start when he gets out and she’s had 10 years of life experience without him,” one person commented.

“I think that her staying could actually lead to her leaving. After 10 years she will be accustomed to life without him, but still have that excitement about him coming home only to find she prefers being in her own,” another added.

“This is my take as well. She’ll stick it out for the prison sentence, but once he gets home… I give it a year or two,” a third remarked.

Josh Duggar and Anna Duggar
Josh’s wife Anna has maintained her belief in his innocence. (Photo via Instagram)

Yes, it seems that many are of the opinion that Josh and Anna will stick it out throughout his sentence, only to run into trouble once he returns home.

“I doubt the relationship will survive such a long separation. Both will have changed far too much,” one person theorized.

“He is going to leave her after prison,” another user wrote.

Josh and Anna Duggar and Fam
Josh and Anna Duggar stand here and pose for a professional family photo. What an effed up couple.

“She’ll wait for him and he’ll divorce her when he gets out,” a third suggested.

“He’s so manipulative he probably has her convinced that HE stayed with HER despite it all,” yet another observed.

Now, it’s possible that Josh’s appeal will be successful, and Anna won’t have to wait for him for 10 years.

Josh Duggar in jail, where he belongs. (Photo via NBC)

Thankfully, that’s a very unlikely outcome.

But no matter what happens, Anna will probably remain convinced that the legal system got it wrong, and that her husband was innocent all along.


The Duggar brainwashing system is surprisingly effective, and it seems to have worked like a charm on Anna.


Anna Duggar: I’m Still Waiting for Josh … But It Hasn’t Been Easy! was originally published on The Hollywood Gossip .

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