What Is a Fiend in Chainsaw Man?

December 18, 2022

Power from the third ending of Chainsaw Man

A fiend is what I turn into when I hear a rumor that the Girl Scouts of America have started selling Thin Mints in a store near me. One could say that I become “possessed” by the “devil” (or that I feel compelled to consume enormous quantities of sugar in order to make the happy chemicals in my brain start firing on all cylinders.) But that’s not what you’re asking. It’s similar, but not the same. You’re asking what a fiend is with regards to the hit anime series about a boy who cuts up devils with chainsaw hands.

Your interest might have been piqued due to your unhealthy obsession with Power (the character, not the thing that when absolute, corrupts absolutely. Though Power herself has no doubt corrupted many a young mind predisposed to horniness.) OR maybe you’re just a “casual observer” of Chainsaw Man and want to suss out if diving chainsaw-head first into the mythos is really worth your time. Whatever the reason, I’m here to help. Just bring me Thin Mints in exchange. One sleeve will do. Just one sleeve. That’s less than a shirt has. PLEASE IT’S ALL I ASK.

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