Are There Actually Any Plot Holes in ‘Glass Onion’ or Were You Just Not Paying Attention?

Oh do I love reading ‘plot hole’ pieces that aren’t actually plot holes. I’m sorry to the people who wrote the pieces I’m going to be referencing in this but also I’m not sorry because what you’re calling a plot hole is actually just a plot point! If the movie itself explains it to you, then it isn’t a plot hole—you just weren’t paying attention.
With a movie like Glass Onion, there are plenty of mysteries that might have been left unsolved by you, the viewer, but after watching it more than once, you might start to see the answers to the questions that you asked after the first time. It’s the nature of a murder mystery. Plot holes come when a movie or a story ends and there are still loose ends that are not tied up or things that don’t make sense and are just glossed over. It’s your “somehow, Palpatine has returned” moment, if you will.