
Gwendlyn Brown: Kody Chose Robyn Over His Own Children!

December 19, 2022

Sometimes it feels good to be right about something you’ve been speculating for a while.

Other times … not so much.

And unfortunately this time, it’s actually pretty darn painful.

For years now, Sister Wives fans have thought that Kody Brown clearly favored his fourth wife, Robyn.

Things have been rocky between Kody and Meri for years now, and his relationship with Janelle has always seemed like more of a platonic one, which is something he noted recently on the show.

And, well, we all know how bad his marriage to Christine was.

It’s just been recently that anyone on the show has started to talk about what we’ve all been saying for years — Christine and Janelle have plainly said that they feel Robyn is the favorite wife.

Meanwhile, Kody maintains that he would like the other wives more if they were more like Robyn, so the problems are their fault, not his.

Right now, we know that Christine has fully divorced him and moved off to Utah, and that he and Janelle have been separated for months.

We saw in sneak peeks for the tell-all that Kody doesn’t believe he’s married to Meri anymore, and she acknowledged that — we’re not sure where exactly that leaves them though, as she also said she still wanted to make things work.

So for all intents and purposes, Kody is in a monogamous marriage with Robyn right now.

And Gwendlyn Brown, Christine’s daughter and one of the most outspoken cast members, addressed how that’s affected the rest of the family in a Q&A on her Patreon page.

One of her patrons asked her if “anyone besides your mom ever confronted Robyn and Kody about their behavior? Specifically, Kody favoring Robyn and her kids?”

Her answer was pretty heartbreaking.

“We do avoid the topic a lot,” Gwen admitted, “but sometimes one of us will break down and ask him why he chose her over us. We’re not very confrontational here unfortunately.”

When asked how Kody responded to his own children breaking down in front of him for feeling unwanted and unloved by him, her response was unsurprising:

“Usually denial.”

Someone asked if he had ever shown any remorse for causing all of these issues in the family, and if anyone had ever confronted him directly about his preference for Robyn and her children over everyone else.

“Most of the kids have yes!” she said. “One time he responded to one of them like ‘I prefer people who prefer me,’ so no remorse lol.”

Finally, one person asked Gwen if Kody had just been faking being a good father earlier in the show, or if he really was a dedicated father and something changed.

“I don’t really know but i think he just started to realize he prefers his life with Robyn and their kids,” she replied.

How sad, right?

Gwendlyn Brown on Insta

We hope that one day Kody is able to open his eyes enough to see the damage he’s caused to his own children.

But honestly, he doesn’t seem to have the emotional capacity for that kind of introspection.

We hope that his first three wives are happy, and that all of their children are thriving.

What a mess.

Gwendlyn Brown: Kody Chose Robyn Over His Own Children! was originally published on The Hollywood Gossip .

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