Refresh Your Memory on One of the Most Satisfying Moments in ‘Game of Thrones’

In the words of Tyrion Lannister (back when he was still an amazing, compelling and fascinating character), “watching [that] vicious bastard die gave me more relief than a thousand lying whores”. And I have to agree with him—the moment when Joffrey Baratheon-but-really-Lannister-but-really-Waters finally kicks the bucket in Game of Thrones has to be one of the most satisfying ones throughout the show’s entire eight-season run.
And that’s because Joffrey was one of Game of Thrones’ best villains. Absolutely irredeemable, cruel for cruelty’s sake, a monster to everyone and everything around him, and definitely one of the worst rulers to ever sit the Iron Throne—enough to rival the Targaryens, which is really saying something. A brilliantly written character, all and all, and also brilliantly portrayed by Irish actor Jack Gleeson.