Phil Collins slams Orianne Cevey’s claims about his hygiene as extortion

November 12, 2020

Phil Collins says Orianne Cevey’s claims about his wellness are suh-suh-slander.

According to documents filed in LA and obtained by TMZ, Collins is refuting Cevey’s contention that Collins sunk into alcoholism and drug addiction during their marriage and began neglecting his hygiene to the point where he didn’t bathe for months at a clip.

Collins’ filing called Cevey’s story “a litany of demonstrably false, immaterial, impertinent, scandalous and scurrilous allegations which have nothing to do with the legal claims in this case.”

And he suggests that her assertions have an ulterior motive — to place his mental state under a cloud to “deliberately make sensationalized and/or false allegations in an effort to extort money” from him.

“What does this have to do with the case,” the documents continue. “Is the court going to hear evidence about the parties’ sex life or examine Phil Collins’ dental records, or get photographs of his wardrobe to decide if he verbally promised Mrs. Bates 50% of his Miami Beach mansion? Of course not.”

Collins points — as he has in previous filings — to the fact that he’s currently in the UK rehearsing with Genesis for a tour next year as evidence he’s not in the decline Cevey says he is.

Collins, 69, and Cevey, 46, are locked in a bitter divorce battle currently; she claims he reneged on his deal to give her half of their $40 million home. The pair split in July after Cevey sent a text message to Collins copping to an extramarital love affair; a month later, she secretly wed new husband Thomas Bates, 31.

Collins tried to evict them but now they’ve since agreed to move out of the house — which is currently up for sale — in January.

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