Jon Gosselin to Ex-Wife: You Broke Our Daughter's Heart!

November 13, 2020

For years now, Jon Gosselin has blasted his ex-wife for the ways in which she allegedly abused their son, Collin.

Jon has been relentless in claiming that Kate Gosselin shipped an undiagnosed 13-year old off to a special needs facility ... stopped talking to him... and left him as an emotional mess.

There's even been talk that Kate physically harmed this child.

Now, however, Jon has shifted his focus a bit.

During an appearance on The Dr. Oz Show this week, the former TLC personality honed in on a recent way in which Kate also abused the ex-couple's daughter, Hannah.

In an emotional sense, that is.

“Her house is listed, and she didn’t even notify Hannah that she was moving,” the 43-year old said on air, adding that Hannah only learned of this potential home sale via “text message.”

Indeed, as previously reported, Kate Gosselin is allegedly desperate for money and has put her home on the market for $1.2 million.

Hannah, it should be noted, does not live in this home.

She and Collin have been residing with their dad for about two years now.

But she grew up in the house Kate now wants to sell, and Jon says his daughter was devastated to learn that some other family may soon be living in it.

“She was pretty much upset that that was her childhood home, her mother selling it, didn’t even call her to say, ‘Hey, do you want any of your stuff or anything? Hey, I need to sell this house,'” Jon told host Dr. Oz in the episode that aired on Tuesday, November 10.

“There is no contact," Jon added of the relationship between Kate and Hannah.

This has been a constant theme for Jon.

He said on this same television show that Kate has spoken to Collin for a total of 90 minutes over the past two years or so.

Jon has also admitted that he has no contact with his other six children, four of whom live with their mom and two of whom are in college.

This is a sad situation and it has been for well over a decade now, ever since Jon and Kate filed for divorce in 2009.

The former spouses are back in the news because Jon was accused in early September of assaulting Collin.

In response, Kate slammed him to People Magazine, shouting "enough is enough" and labeling her ex as "violent and abusive."

Talking to Dr. Oz, Jon said that Collin was extremely upset on the day in question -- but that he merely used a restraint on the teenager that he learned from a therapist.

“[It’s] so the patient doesn’t hurt themselves or others,” Jon said.

“It’s holding their arms or just keeping them from going to another position.

"But it’s also protecting you so they don’t punch you or any of those kinds of things. I’ve done this in the past."

Emphasizing he's "never" been violent with any of his kids, Jon said in stark terms on air:

“I’ve only done these physical restraints and they’re the hardest thing because I’m not that kind of person.

"And I physically have to touch someone and touch someone I love to protect me and anyone else around in case things get out of hand.”

As for his ex-wife, who keeps going to the media with accusations and insults?

"Kate, the message to you is to stop," he previously told Entertainment Tonight, adding;

"Unless you don't want to have any ounce of any relationship with your children in the future. You're ruining that.

"It's not about me.

"It's about how they have to live their life by you making false accusations about things that never occurred."

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