Paul Staehle: Karine and I Are Expecting Baby #2!

May 04, 2020

How swiftly the winds change. Late laster year, Karine left Paul Staehle for another man, taking baby Pierre with her.

The profoundy turbulent couple has since reconciled ... and then some, because Karine is now pregnant with their second child.

Paul and Karine did not come out and directly announce that Karine is pregnant ... but they did the next best thing.

In his Instagram Stories, Paul shareda  photo of Karine taking a mirror selfie.

Over the body-length selfie, Paul drew a pink heart around Karine's midsection.

In case it was unclear, he used that same bright pink to write "BABY" on the pic.

Karine Staehle pregnant on Paul Staehle IG

It was in March of 2019 that Paul and Karine welcomed their baby boy, Pierre.

Fans were mostly overjoyed at the news ... though many had reservations.

Paul and Karine had a long history of fights, breakups, and other drama.

Some fans hoped that a baby would magically stabilize their relationship and their marriage. Clearly, that was not the case.

Fraudedbytlc, a well known source of 90 Day Fiance news and inside scoops, announced their confirmation of the news over the weekend.

"Pierre is going to be a big brother. Karine is pregnant," the account announced.

"Word is," the post detailed, "she is several months along."

Several is a vague word but often means more than a few, so four or more. Was Baby #2 conceived in February?

paul staehle karine pregnanty news - fraudedbytlc

Now that Pierre is over a year old, it's not an unusual time for couples to have a second child.

If Baby #2 is born in November or December, Pierre still won't quite be two years older.

Many people feel that siblings need a little more distance in age than this to get along harmoniously, but it's not an unusual age gap.

Whenever her actual due date ends up being, we wish Karine and Baby #2 good health and a relatively easy pregnancy.

Paul and Karine truly did not get off on the right foot with viewers.

For one thing, Paul's criminal history set up dozens of red flags, even more than his age gap with Karine.

The two didn't speak the same language, making communication awkward at best.

Also, Paul was kind of a weirdo. We all remember when he wore a condom to go swimming, out of fear of the candiru asu.

Despite that, they got married ... but the drama did not end with the nuptials.

Even after Pierre was born, Paul and Karine fought on Instagram Live and behind the scenes.

Contrary to what a lot of late night dramas lead people to believe, not all relationships are built on conflict.

Plenty of couples rarely argue and never fight -- but Paul and Karine fought enough for a dozen marriages.

In November fo 2019, Paul posted some of the most abjectly pathetic Instagram posts, lamenting that Karine was leaving him.

More alarmingly, he said that she was endangering Pierre by taking him back to her remote village.

See, in that village, it is considered "normal" to drive around with a baby on a motorcycle.

That is extremely risky. Fortunately, though Karine did file for divorce, she eventually changed her mind.

She and Paul got back together and returned to the US.

Paul was so happy to have Karine home, though he did from time to time show glimpses of their house as an absolute sty.

Then, Karine reportedly left Paul for another man -- an extremely fit dude whom she had apparently admired for some time.

When it comes to this couple, the drama never stops.

It is our sincere hope that Paul and Karine will pursue real solutions to their pointless instability and drama.

Couples therapy would be a great idea.

No child deserves to grow up in a contentious, dysfunctional, toxic environment, and that's what happens when parents fight.

In the mean time, congratulations to them both on this pregnancy news!

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