New Yorkers stranded in Costa Rica on ‘adventurous’ third date

May 28, 2020

New Yorkers Matt Robertson, 31, and Khani Le, 29, matched on the dating app Hinge in February, and by date No. 3 they had booked a trip to Costa Rica.

But they’ve wound up stranded in Central America during the pandemic. On Day 71, they spoke to Page Six.

“Our first two dates went really well … We were feeling adventurous. It started out as a joke and then I escalated it and bought round-trip tickets to Costa Rica,” Robertson said. They took off March 17 as nonessential services closed. Le told us the airline said they’d “be fine,” and, “I didn’t even tell anyone. I told my mom when I was boarding the flight and my dad still doesn’t even know about Matt.”

The vacation began with zip-lining and feeling, “badass for going on a third date together in another country,” Robertson said. But the week vacation turned into a nightmare.

“Flights kept getting canceled and we just drove around the country … finding affordable hotels and different Airbnbs,” Robertson said. “Most don’t have A/Cs … There’s been lots of bugs and cockroaches, snakes and raccoons and we’ve been freaking out.”

But, “in hindsight, I’m really lucky to be stuck with someone like her … Everything happens for a reason. I guess I needed a global pandemic to push me into a relationship.”

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