Kelley Flanagan Receives Stamp of Excited Approval from Peter Weber's Mom

May 26, 2020

As has been made very clear over the past few weeks, Kelley Flanagan and Peter Weber are going strong.

Very, VERY strong, we should say, based on recent social media posts by both the former Bachelor suitor and the former Bachelor himself.

However, Peter isn't the only member of the Weber family who is clearly a big fan of Flanagan's. 

Barb Weber, the polarizing mother of this handsome and horny pilot, shared a photo on Sunday, May 24 that featured snapshots of herself posing with Flanagan and also her younger son's girlfriend, Kristine Bruun-Andersen.

“Girls Rock!!” Barb wrote over the images, which she also captioned with a multitude of pink hearts.

The Chicago-based lawyer commented “love this” beneath the post, while Bruun-Andersen wrote:

“Oh my gosh this is amazing!! I love you.”

As you can see immediately above, this wasn't the first time Barb shared a picture of her son and his latest lover, either.

Days before her Memorial Day Weekend upload, Barbara shared a side-by-side shot of her sons with their significant others and she captioned as follows:

“Happiness Is…❤️❤️❤️❤️.”

Barb, of course, had a very different take on one of Peter's final contestans during his run as The Bachelor earlier this year.

During her hometown date as one of Peter's finalists, Madison Prewett was dressed down by Barb -- mostly because she's a virgin and Peter likes to have sex.

That really was what it boiled down to when Barb confronted Madison.

“I don’t want anyone to change him, because he is who he is and we love him the way he is,” Mrs. Weber told Prewett during a face-to-face meeting, referring to how the contestant was saving herself for marriage.

Barbara proceeded to tell Peter that God wanted him to pick Hannah Ann Sluss over Madison.

"I said a prayer last night," she told Peter when he was deciding between Prewett and Sluss.

"I said, ‘Lord, please, please guide Peter today and guide Madison to see where they’re at in this relationship,’ because you have a gem waiting for you who is madly, head over heels in love with you, and God put her there for you.

"I think God has answered my prayers and put the right person in your path.”

She was talking about Sluss back then.

In the time since, Weber has dumped both Sluss and Prewett; quarantined with Flanagan in her Chicago apartment; and then finally gone public with the woman he eliminated on Week 7 of The Bachelor.

“You guys want some inside scoop here on why I ultimately picked Kelley? All right, here’s what I can do,” Weber rambled in a recent Cameo video.

“To be completely honest, I think just the nature of the show definitely works and I’ve said that since day one.

"I still believe it works, but I think specifically for the type of relationship between Kelley and myself just wasn’t the most organic type of situation for us if it was going to actually work.

"And that’s OK, that’s totally OK because each relationship is different.”

Like we said: he rambled.

Added Weber in this video:

"So obviously we’ll see what the future holds for Kelley and I, but I think it’s a beautiful story, definitely a beautiful love story of what’s yours is yours and it will always come back to you, no matter what.”

Sounds... romantic? We guess.

Barb Weber would certainly say so.

“You caught me,” Peter wrote on May 2 as a caption to his first Instagram photo with Flanagan, sharing a picture of the pair kissing while seated in a plane together.

“Let the adventure begin," he added.

Will it end with a trip down the aisle, though?

We'll go ahead and provide some The Bachelor spoilers for you right now in regard to this question: Heck no

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