Leah Messer: I Couldn't Have Gotten Pregnant Without Help From a Naked Kailyn Lowry!

May 08, 2020

Earlier this week, Leah Messer published her debut memoir.

And if the bombshells-per-page statistic has any impact on sales, Leah should move about 4 billion copies of this thing.

One of the biggest revelations from he book is that Leah had an abortion and passed it off as a miscarriage shortly after she started dating Jeremy Calvert.

So fans might be shocked to learn that Messer had unprotected sex with Calvert a second time not long after the procedure took place.

And it seems she wasn't ready to get pregnant on that occasion, either, as she took the Plan B emergency contraception pill the following morning.

But there are several important differences between this instance and the first time Leah got knocked up by Jeremy:

For example, this time she was newly married.

On top of that Kail Lowry was somehow involved.

Oh, and Plan B didn't work, and she wound up giving birth to daughter Addie nine months later.

All of this is revealed in a new excerpt from the book published this week by The Ashley's Reality Roundup.

Leah reveals that it all went down at her wedding to Jeremy Calvert, which included a wild reception:

“Champagne was flowing at the reception, and we partied late into the night,” Leah writes.

“Kailyn Lowry came with her then-husband Javi, and we all went skinny dipping in the ocean," she adds.

“We were drunk as f--k, and Jeremy and I were not thinking clearly when we made the decision not to use a condom on our wedding night,” Leah continues.

“After what I had just gone through [with the abortion disguised as a miscarriage], I didn’t want to take any chances, so as soon as we got back home to West Virginia I took Plan B."

But it seems the cluster of cells that would later become Leah's most pugnacious daughter was not to be deterred:

“Well, little miss Addie wasn’t letting anything—not emergency contraception and definitely not a snowstorm—stop her from coming into this world," she wrote.

Obviously, the news garnered a number of stunned reactions on social media, the funniest of which might have come from Farrah Abraham's mother, Debra Danielsen:

"I guess nothing is special between 2 people anymore to not share with the world," she wrote.

Well, for one thing, it's nice to know the inability to compose a sentence that doesn't confuse the hell out of people runs in the family.

On top of that, yeah, Deb -- sharing private details of your life is pretty much the point of writing a memoir.

We'd tell you to pick up a copy of Leah's memoir and find out for yourself, but we're guessing the Abraham clan is not a family of readers!

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