Jesse Meester: Who Is the 90 Day Fiance Star's New Girlfriend Bianca Rose?

May 08, 2020

Long before Tom Brooks penned his final letter to Darcey Silva, she and Jesse Meester broke up. Darcey has moved on ... and so has he.

This week, fans met Jesse's new girlfriend and even saw them go on a date. Does she know what she's getting into?

This week, 90 Day Fiance: What Now? aired an episode filmed before the pandemic.

"I am now back in New York City," Jesse explained to fans. "I’m here for meetings, [to] see my friends."

"And tonight," he announced, "I have a blind date, which I’m really looking forward to."

The 26-year-old model and hospice nursing assistant going on a blind date? That's a surprise -- and a first.

“My friends set it up," Jesse revealed.

He shared: I’ve never done it before."

"In that regard, I’m a virgin," Jesse characterized, using the most awkward diction imaginable.

Most of us haven't been on blind dates but could choose other ways to share that.

Jesse was the first to admit that he did not know what to expect from this date.

His friends had told him "very little information" about his date.

"“But," Jesse announced, "I’m really looking forward to meeting her."

Considering that he was going to be on camera for the date, we don't doubt it. The dude loves the spotlight.

We also met his lovely date.

"I’m Bianca Rose, I’m 33, I’ve been living in New York now for 11 years,” she explained to the camera.

“I’m a teacher," she shared, "and I’m looking for love."

Bianca, who was born in Israel, shared that she has struggled to date.

The two shared a hug and Jesse doled out a kiss on each of her cheeks before she removed her jacket and sat down.

Notably, Bianca has a rose tattoo under her shoulder.

She very quickly blurted out that Jesse is "very handsome."

It's great that they found something on which to agree so quickly.

"I’m really excited to be sitting here with you," Jesse told her.

"And," he added, he was "glad that our paths have crossed. Thank you for coming."

Is he on a date or giving another one of his weird nursing home speeches?

“Thank you," she replied. "I’m glad to meet you."

Bianca admitted on camera that she was "kind of nervous."

"Dating in New York City sucks," she characterized.

"I’m so used to disappointments," Bianca shared. "I’m so used to being ghosted."

She expressed: "I just want to find someone who’s going to connect with me."

"The first impression? Bianca is gorgeous," Jesse raved to the camera.

"And the way she like, you know, presents herself with confidence, with grace,” he praised.

“She’s just very honest, she’s very open," Jesse assessed. "She’s very transparent and authentic and real."

"I want to get to know her and see where this will take us," he shared. "I’m really looking forward to seeing her again."

Whatever may have sparked after this date, however, the pandemic has put most people's dating lives on hold.

Jesse has instead spent his time trying to use social media to get the attention that he craves.

He actually interviewed Tiger King star Dillon Passage, the hunky young husband of Joe Exotic, in an Instagram livestream.

Jesse is undoubtedly a handsome guy, but his narcissistic tendencies have earned the label of 90 Day Fiance villain.

Jesse meester who is the 90 day fiance stars new girlfriend bian

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