Jim Bob Duggar: Is This the End of His Time In the Spotlight?

May 04, 2020

On Friday, we reported that a source close to the Duggar family claims that Jim Bob is preparing for a legal battle which could have devastating consequences for the Duggar media empiere he worked so hard to create.

In an exclusive conversation with The Hollywood Gossip, the insider claimed that Jim Bob has assembled a legal team with the hope of preventing the publication of a memoir being written by Derick Dillard, husband of Jill Duggar.

According to Derick, the memoir will focus on his time with the Duggar family, with special attention paid to allegations that Jim Bob has been engaging in some seriously unscrupulous business.

Specifically, Derick intends to double down on his claim that Jim Bob has been pocketing earnings from the family's reality shows that were meant to go to his adult children.

“He’s definitely gonna do his book, and when he does his book, Jim Bob is done. He is done” our source claimed.

"He’s already got four or five big lawyers — I mean big lawyers — who have done a lot of research as far as the contracts from TLC go,” the insider said.

Now, several Duggar-focused media outlets are asking a question that many critics of the family have been waiting over a decade to hear:

Is Jim Bob's time in the spotlight coming to an end?

He's weathered worse storms in the past, of course.

At the time of the Josh Duggar sex scandals, for example, it looked as though the 19 Kids and Counting clan would never appear on television again.

But while 19 Kids was canceled, the Duggars returned to TLC shortly thereafter with a "new" reality show -- that looked a lot like the old one -- entitled Counting On.

Jim Bob initially vowed to steer clear of production, but it wasn't long before he was appearing in every episode.

But Derick's book might actually be worse for Jim Bob's reputation.

After all, this time, he's the one at the center of the scandal.

And it's not just shady business practices that he'll be forced to answer for.

Derick has also alleged that Jim Bob forced Jill to continue filming even after she made it clear that she was uncomfortable appearing on camera with her predatory brother.

Of course, Jim Bob has proven himself to be a slippery conniver in the past.

Scandals that would have ruined a lesser reality star have proven to be mere bumps in the road to our source, thanks largely to a following that our source describes as "cultish."

In the past, however, the threats and allegations have always come from outside of the Duggar clan.

This is the first time that Jim Bob has grappled with internal discord so publicly.

And it's beginning to seem possible that he could be brought down by his own son-in-law.

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