Brace Yourselves, Twi-Hards: Stephenie Meyer is Finally Releasing 'Midnight Sun'

May 04, 2020

And there it is.

After a countdown went live on writer Stephenie Meyer's website, Twilight fans and morbidly curious hot-takes merchants the world over tuned in to find out what this mysterious announcement would reveal. It turns out that the fans were right in their giddy speculation -- Midnight Sun is coming.

In a message to Good Morning America, Meyer admitted that, while the timing probably wasn't great for this news, she felt it was time to give the fans what they wanted. In a press release, she added that she hopes 'this book gives my readers a little pleasure to anticipate and, if it arrives, a chance to live in an imaginary world for a while.'

For Twilight fans, Midnight Sun has been something of a long-lost gem. Meyer had talked frequently about her project, wherein she would retell the first Twilight book from Edward Cullen's point-of-view, but after the unfinished story was leaked, she put it on her website and said she would probably never finish it. Cut to a certain E.L. James releasing TWO books in her own Twi-fic from her Edward rip-off's POV and you can't help but wonder if Meyer reopened a certain Word document out of spite.

Fans crashed Meyer's website with this announcement, so there is definitely still a lot of love for this series. I don't see this book selling the millions that the original saga did but it doesn't need to. This is the kind of vanity project you can release when you're mega-rich and publishers fall at your feet to do as you please.

I have to say though -- the cover seems lazy. I get it, pomegranates and Persephone, etc, etc, but this is some sloppy execution, especially since the other covers are so gorgeous. Surely you could have afforded a glossier stock image?

Midnight Sun is set to release on August 4, 2020.

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