What Happened After ‘Tiger King’? Are We About to Get an Update on Joe Exotic? Jeff Lowe Says Yes…

April 05, 2020

The only non-scary thing that anyone seems to be talking about is either Tiger King or Animal Crossing (Jodi and Petr have written it up for this very site, and frankly, it's the reason why I'm late turning in a post today. I am in hock to a racoon tycoon and I frankly, I love it...)

I've covered the fact that Tiger King is a story about an a*shole who is charming, but also, is a f*cking big cat killer, and who would have been a human killer had he not been so damn stupid. However, almost two weeks since I watched this show, I can't stop thinking about it and want to know what happened after Joe Exotic went to prison. Is Jeff Lowe gonna get his? Is Doc Antle going to get arrested for being a big cat killer, too? Is Rick Kirkland, OK!? How is Carole Baskin's bill doing in Congress? Is that dude still out there water skiing, living his best life? So many questions!

Well, Jeff Lowe says that we're about to get another episode of Tiger King, but take that with a massive grain of salt because dude is a liar and a huckster. However, I hope he's right because an hour of mindless entertainment is exactly what I need right now (because I'm playing Animal Crossing so much my hands are cramping and I need to give them a break.)

Per People.com:

In a video shared on Twitter by Los Angeles Dodgers player Justin Turner, Lowe revealed the news in a Cameo video. The clip is addressed to Turner and his wife Kourtney, who dished on Tiger King during a recent episode of her podcast, Holding Kourt.

"Hey, Kourtney and Justin, this is Jeff Lowe from the Tiger King show on Netflix," he began, jokingly adding, "Thank you for watching our show, Christie said you're a big fan, and... yeah, you need a life. You just wasted seven hours on us."

Lowe continued, "Netflix is adding one more episode, we'll be on next week. We're filming here tomorrow. Take care, stay safe, and put your mask on."

Here's the Tweet in case you're wondering. Also--people, please don't give Jeff Lowe any money on Cameo, that guy is the f*cking worst. He smuggled tigers in suitcases in Las Vegas to get ladies to party with him. Gross!

Anyway, I will take more Tiger King because there's no way this story is over yet and I want a distraction. Now excuse me, I need to go pay down my mortgage to my benevolent raccoon island dictator.

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