Jana Duggar Accused of Defrauding Fans: What???

April 28, 2020

Jana Duggar is under a lot of pressure from fans, from her family, and from her family's cult.

Now, her own followers are adding to that ... and accusing her of defrauding them. Huh?

Jana Duggar has been allowed to do some things that her siblings could not do until they were married.

She recently showed off her legs on Instagram. She is also allowed to have an Instagram account in the first place.

Maybe it's because she's 30 years old. Maybe it's because she has proven that she is so responsible.

But now, is she about to lose her social media "privileges" after hordes of fans call her out for "defrauding" them?

In recent photos of her gardening, Jana is showing off her knees -- the devil's elbows.

This is a huge violation of long-espoused Duggar rules for women, and folks on social media are having a field day.

"I see knees!!!!!" mocks one Reddit user. "I am SEVERELY defrauded!"

"I saw this and audibly gasped," writes another.

"Has she ever worn a skirt or dress without pants before?" one fan asks. "This is shocking!"

Jana actually has, including a few weeks ago, in the photo that she shared on Easter that you can see below.

"This from the girl who photoshops longer skirts on others," another complained.

That Reddit denizen refers to the Tontitown Grape Festival incident, in which Jana covered the backs of two girls' legs using photoshop in a pic.

There was a time when even this dress, that notably did cover Jana's knees while baring part of her legs, would have been unthinkable.

After all, it conforms to the curves of her body instead of making her look as plain as possible.

Jana, like her married sisters, has been stepping closer and closer to the line about what the Duggar family and their cult permit among women.

And that cult's same twisted "values" is why fans are accusing Jana of "fraud" by virtue of baring her knees.

See, Michelle Duggar has explained in the past the deranged way in which their family blames male thoughts and desires upon women.

"By keeping those private areas covered, there’s not any ‘defrauding’ going on," Michelle explained years ago, as if it were reasonable.

She added: "My kids are taught the definition of defrauding as stirring up desires that cannot be righteously fulfilled."

"We don’t believe in defrauding others by the way we dress," Michelle proclaimed.

In real life, if a guy "stirs up desires" in himself over a fully dressed woman, that's his business.

The same is true if the woman is full-on naked. Possessing a human body does not give you the power of mind-control.

But in the Duggars' disturbing worldview, men cannot control their thoughts and actions, and women are to blame for exciting them.

This is, to put it bluntly, part of why they were so eager to forgive Josh and sweep his crimes under the rug after they caught him molesting his sisters.

This is also why they tasked the Duggar daughters with the family code word, "Nike."

They are supposed to keep an eye out for women dressed like normal people, and use that word to direct their brothers' eyes towards their shoes.

Nike is an odd choice; it's a shoe brand, but originally it's the name of another religion's deity, which is so unlike the Duggars.

But then, most of the family received no actual education. We doubt that Duggar homeschooling gave them a full view of history and other faiths.

To be clear, no one on social media is really blaming Jana for her family's beliefs.

Similarly, no one is sincerely accusing her of defrauding them.

Instead, they are parodying the farcical yet, frankly, evil worldview of Jim Bob and Michelle.

In their minds, just the sight of Jana's knees may be enough to give someone sexual thoughts -- which would mean that Jana had somehow wronged them.

It may be that the Duggars are loosening restrictions on Jana because her married sisters are able to wear what they want.

Even diehard conservative Christians are usually allowed to wear pants and watch television, as Jill, Jinger, and others have learned.

But thanks to Jim Bob's financial control and the deliberate ways in which she lacks independence, Jana will have to abide by rules until she is married.

We're glad that, at the very least, she can now apparently flash her knees if she wants to.

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