Joe Rogan to Gal Gadot: 'Stay Offline, You #*$!. Get Off Your Phone'

March 31, 2020

This is getting a lot of attention and I'm not entirely sure why? Evidently, Ducherincess Kate took her engagement ring off (and was photographed without it). With all the damn handwashing I've been doing, I took all of my rings (except my thin wedding band) off too. It's a pain in the ass to keep taking them off for washing and then putting them back on or leaving them on when washing and getting water under them and irritating your skin. Are you all taking your regular rings off during :waves arms: *all of this*? - (Dlisted)

Hallmark is giving away 2 million free greeting cards, because life is sucky right now and cards are nice. - (HB)

Ok, well now that I've pictured Diplo as Joe Exotic I don't think I can look at Diplo without seeing Joe Exotic ever again. - (Lainey)

I would not say that we are huge fans of Joe Rogan in these parts, but about Gal Gadot's tone-deaf "Imagine" sing-along? He is not wrong. (Uproxx)

This is just pure joy and happiness.

This is also pure joy and happiness. Thanks to Dr. Wilson for sharing it in our Slack. Please click the Tweet and read through them all. It's worth it, I promise!

Are you one of the small number of people who can control your tensor timpani? (No, it's nothing dirty.) - (IFL Science)

Is your neighborhood participating in 'Bear Hunts'? (It's also nothing dirty.) - (Scary Mommy)

Ariana Grande's wavy, curly, dark hair is so different than what we're all used to - I love it! - (Celebitchy)

Do you remember the high school teacher/coach in Oregon who disarmed the student who brandished a gun and then hugged the kid? That coach, Keanon Lowe, will be honored with the Congressional Medal of Honor. - (The Root)

Stevie Budd of Schitt's Creek really is one of the best-written women on tv and one of the slyly funniest characters on any show. I'm going to miss her so much. - (TMS)

Have yourself a little Lin-Manuel mini-concert, up close and personal. - (Broadwayworld)

No big deal, just otters and orangutans hanging out, being buds, playing together. - (CNN)

These photographs on frozen Lake Baikal in Siberia are breathtakingly beautiful - (BP)

When CoffeeShopReader last visited her father, he wasn't sure what book he was going to read next, so she offered to send him Marth Wells' Murderbot Diaries series as she finished each novella. She was reading the second book, Artificial Condition, but a new reader must start with All Systems Red. "I kind of hope this becomes our "thing," I finish a volume then send it to him." A full-length Murderbot novel is coming out in early May. What are your most anticipated books this year? (Cannonball Read 12)

Ruby doesn't understand "social distancing" and I'm GLAD!

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