The President on a Projected 3,000 Daily Deaths, Basically: 'It's Merely a Flesh Wound!'

May 07, 2020

We have arrived now arrived at the point in our nation's history where the President of the United States has decided that potentially hundreds of thousands of deaths are the price of doing business. "It is what it is." A country with this much wealth and ingenuity and innovativeness is about to dive headfirst into the shallow end, while other countries -- Iceland, South Korea, Germany, Taiwan, and even China -- are lapping us in the public health arena. We are behaving like toddlers. People are being shot for wearing masks. The virus has gone political, and I have no idea what party it supports.

Four years ago, a bunch of Americans thought, "What's the worst that could happen?" when they pulled the lever for a pile of pumpkin goo in an ill-fitting suit. Well, this is the worst that could happen. Literally. Donald Trump is in full-on f**k it mode. He's just like, "Open 'er up, and let's see what happens!" And as an amputated America hobbles on one foot, Donald Trump will exclaim, "It's merely a flesh wound!"

Yesterday, the White House pulled the CDC guidance for reopening. That may not seem like a big deal, but that guidance was designed to provide local officials with instructions for re-opening public spaces. Without guidance from the CDC, re-opening transforms from a public health matter to a political matter. Politicians and private industries will decide, and while they say they will decide "based on science," this will allow them to better choose the science that aligns with their profit-driven motives. Instead of the CDC deciding when and how to re-open restaurants, restaurant organizations and lobbyists will decide. It's going to be the same thing across all industries, and even in states with Democratic governors, there's going to be intense pressure to start opening up.

Decisions will be taken away from public officials and essentially placed in individuals. How many individuals in your community do you trust? We'll all be faced with the decision to check out of society -- and likely sources of income -- or risk our lives to participate. As Donald Trump says, "Well, it is what it is."

Wise words, Mr. President. Wise words.

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