Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel Ridicule the President for His Attacks on Late-Night Hosts

May 06, 2020

Good morning. It is Wednesday, May 6th, 2020. It has been exactly eight weeks exactly since Tom-and-Rita Day! Check your bank accounts this morning, as there has been another round of stimulus check deposits. Seventy-one thousand people have died from the virus, or as Trump says, "a Yankee stadium filled with death," plus around 18,000 more people.

Speaking of the President, when he's not winding down the Task Force so that he and the rest of the country can transition to ignoring the daily death toll, the President likes to take aim at late-night talk show hosts. To wit, yesterday around 3 p.m. in the afternoon, the President tweeted:

The tweet came a day after Trump said that Seth Meyers was a "no-talent comic."

"Seth Meyers, he was nasty. Just one joke. The guy's got no talent whatsoever. Zero. How do these guys get jobs? I don't get it. How does a Seth Meyers, how does [Stephen] Colbert -- has no talent, there's nothing funny about him, nothing funny. You look at some of these people and you say, 'How do they get a job?' They are just so average. They are average people, they are average people.

"And I know extraordinary talent, I know it better than anybody, but a guy like Seth Meyers is a zero. And he said, you know, just one or two things that were nasty. And he mispronounced words, he was nervous as hell, he couldn't speak properly -- that's why I call him marble mouth."

Yesterday, a few of the late-night hosts shot back. Kimmel took to Twitter soon after he was mentioned in a Trump tweet.

Last night, Kimmel offered a suggestion to Trump as to what he should have tweeted, while also bringing up his Adderal addiction, which isn't mentioned as much as it should be, despite some evidence of abuse.

Colbert also shot back at the President on his show last night, comparing Trump's outburst to that of FDR, who as we all know famously said, "December 7, 1941, a date that will live in infamy because Groucho Marx is a no-talent hack. I'm a Three Stooges man."

Finally, Seth Meyers briefly mentioned the Post interview, but not the part about himself or other late-night hosts. He did, however, have last night's best monologue.

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