Jenelle Evans Boasts About Perfect Marriage, Gets Deservedly Roasted By Critics

May 07, 2020

It's been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

If that's the case, then Jenelle Evans should probably be locked away in a padded cell somewhere.

As you're no doubt aware, Jenelle fled her dysfunctional marriage and filed for a restraining order against David Eason late last year.

The move was a response to the latest in a long line of violent, abusive actions from her husband -- this time, he had shot and killed her dog during one of his infamous rages.

Evans was applauded for finally taking steps to protect herself and her children, and after a decade of seriously questionable parenting practices, it looked like she might finally be on the verge of giving her kids the life they deserve.

Jenelle and Dave Eason

However, it was only a matter of months before she was back home on "The Land," acting as though her life was the absolute picture of domestic contentment.

These days, Jenelle is doubling down on her charade in the hope that the public will forget that she's reconciled with the man who spent the last several years abusing and traumatizing her children.

Evans posed with David for a series of blissed-out photos of Thursday, and her Instagram caption reflected her "us against the world" mentality.

"I don’t care what they say, I love you no matter what. Here’s to new beginnings #MarriedLife #HappyWifeHappyLife," she wrote.

Where to begin?

For one thing, "happy wife, happy life" is something that's usually said by boomer husbands who are implying that their wife will make them miserable with constant nagging, lest they devote all their energy to placating her.

More importantly, Evans seems to not understand that the people who criticize her marriage do so not out of jealousy or a gossipy desire for social media drama, but out of genuine concern for the children and animals who have already been negatively impacted by this unhealthy marriage.

Fortunately, a number of Evans' followers were quick to remind her of this.

"No wonder everyone hates you when you pull this crap," one commenter wrote.

"You should care, history repeats itself. I’m just glad mtv isn’t getting all the footage anymore," another added, referencing the fact that Jenelle was fired from Teen Mom 2 after David murdered the dog, an incident that also lef her to temporarily lose custody of her children.

"Just don’t post anything in a months time about disrespect, disloyalty or distrust....u make ur bed u lay in it," a third Instagram user chimed in.

That remark references Jenelle's tendency to turn to the public for sympathy each time her marriage falls apart.

It's a cycle that's taken place several times in the few short years these two have been together, and fans are bracing themselves for a repeat performance.

But this time, Jenelle should not expect any compassion from the public.

Even her biggest fans are growing tired of watching the same sad drama unfold over and over again.

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