Emily Giffin, Best-Selliing Author, Destroys Meghan Markle as "Phony, Unmaternal"

May 07, 2020

Move over, Piers Morgan.

You're no longer the most famous person who despises Meghan Markle.

Emily Giffin and markle

On Wednesday, shortly after Markle and Prince Harry released a video of their son, Archie, in honor of the toddler's first birthday, Emily Giffin absolutely WENT OFF on the former actress.

Giffin is a best-selling author.

She's best known for works such as Something Borrowed (which was turned into a 2011 movie starring Kate Hudson0, Heart of the Matter and The One and Only.

Now, however, Giffin may forever be best known for her hatred of Meghan Markle.

In text message screenshots the author shared to her Instagram—which is now private—Emily called Meghan "unmaternal" and said the video was "uncomfortable to watch."

"She's such a phony," Giffin added.

In the aforementioned footage of Markle and her only child, the Duchess is reading to her son.

We thought it was very cute. Giffin, though, apparently disagreed.

The Maryland-born writer posted a screenshot of Kensington Palace’s sweet tribute to Archie, speculating that they made a “pointed photo choice” to use a portrait featuring numerous members of the British royal family ...

... instead of one with just the Sussexes.

“Happy Birthday, Archie,” the writer also penned. “Go away, Megan [sic].”

Go away, Megan

Giffin's messages were seemingly in response to a friend texting her "some thoughts."

This friend added that Meghan's demeanor in the video "screamed look at me! Look at me! I need attention as the doting mother."

"It's also sad how she seemed just slightly annoyed Archie wasn't fully cooperating to her standards," one message read.

"Completely," Emily replied in agreement.

Markle, of course, has been the target of critics' wrath almost since she started dating Prince Harry.

She absolutely hated Royal Life as a result and, in late March, she and her husband officially abandoned their official duties and titles.

As has now been made clear, however, Markle can leave the Royal World behind -- but judgment will still follow.

Giffin, at one point, posted a screenshot of a comment she made on her Instagram Story

"Adorable child and book. But .... Holy "me first." This is the Megan show," she wrote, continually misspelling Meghan's first name.

"Why didn't she film and let Harry read? And why didn't she take the moment at the end to say "he said daddy!" Because that would make it about Harry for a split second, God forbid...

"also, you want privacy for your child so you put out a video (by your authorized biographer) of him... wearing no pants?! Ooookay...."

hating markle

Following the extreme backlash she garnered on Wednesday, the author issued a statement on her now-public again Instagram account.

"I enjoy following celebrities and analyzing them with my readers. I post dozens of IG stories a day in a very honest, unfiltered way, as if I'm confiding directly with close friends," it reads.

"Further, I'm very interested in the British monarchy. I always have been. See the link in my bio for an essay I wrote in the days before Meghan and Harry wed.

"To be clear, I absolutely loved that a biracial, American woman was marrying into the Royal Family. It seemed a wonderful, happy thing for everyone.

"I celebrated their wedding by hosting a gathering here at my home and posting many, many photos."

Yes, an apology is forthcoming.

"Further, I was appalled by any signs of racism against her," Giffin continued.

"Over recent months my feelings about BOTH Harry and Meghan changed. But I can say from the bottom of my heart that my criticism of Meghan has never had anything to do with her race.

"Further, I understood why she wanted to leave the monarchy and carve out her own path."

Concluded the author:

I do, however, find fault with the way BOTH she and Harry handled things, and those feelings bled over in later posts, including the ones today.

I can see how some of my posts may have felt mean-spirited, and could be construed as having racial undertones.

It was not my intent, but I understand that intent and impact are two very different things.

And I am truly sorry for that negative impact.

Giffin has a new book coming out in June.

It will be titled The Lies That Bind.

And we will not be buying it.

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