McDonald’s Cashier Assaulted By Crusty Caucasian Customer Says No One Would’ve Helped, That’s Why She Fought For Herself

January 04, 2019

McDonald's Reports Gains

Source: Justin Sullivan / Getty

Black Woman McDonald’s Cashier Who Fought Alone Feels Let Down By Her Co-Workers

Earlier this week, video of Yasmine James being yolked up by a customer at the counter of McDonald’s went viral. Now the 20-year-old is speaking out about how her coworkers handled the situation.

“I did not expect it to go as far as it did,” James told theGrio by phone at her home in Florida. “I thought he was just gonna finish cursing me out and eventually walk away.”

James says she was used to this disrespect, but the violent man took it too far. These are her words, on how she felt about the man being arrested.

“It really scared me when he grabbed me. I didn’t know if he had a knife, a gun or anything. He assaulted me, but he also kicked another girl in the stomach on his way out,” says James. “He should’ve gotten more than a misdemeanor. To me that won’t teach him a lesson at all.”

In conclusion, James said she felt that because she was a Black woman, she felt unprotected initially by her managers.

“I don’t think people took it so seriously,” says James. “Just because I am a Black woman and he was a white man that assaulted me. Like, ‘Okay, she fought this man, lets go back to work. Don’t call the police because this is normal.’ It was just going to go under the rug. I didn’t like that feeling. To me it’s like if I didn’t call the police, if I didn’t do anything, who would have? I just felt like I was left alone, on my own.”

SMH, can you see why she feels this way?

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