
Change Carbs And Go: Beyoncé And Jay-Z Offer Free Lifetime Concert Tickets In Vegan Fan Giveaway

January 31, 2019

Beyonce and Jay-Z 'On the Run II' Tour Opener - Cardiff

Source: Kevin Mazur / Getty

Beyonce and Jay-Z Offer Vegan Fans Lifetime Concert Tickets

Beyonce and Jay-Z are offering to change your Carter-lovin’ life if you change your diet.

According to LIVEKINDLY, Jay and Bey have partnered with their homie Marco Borges and the 22-Days Nutrition Greenpoint Program to give their fans some incentive to give up meat.

By signing up on the Greenpoint website you can enter to win a contest that will reward the winner with free concert tickets for life (1 show per tour for up to 30 years).

We’ve previously reported on the Carter’s vegan adventures and Marcos explains what made them buy in:

“They got to a point where they realized that the overwhelming information about the benefits of a plant-based diet were too hard to ignore,” says Borges, “so they decided they wanted to challenge themselves and others to move towards a plant-based diet.”

Instagram Photo

Better health and better seats, sounds like a win-win.

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