The upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) original series, Daredevil: Born Again, has opened the door to introduce a slew of potential characters who had connections to Daredevil (a.k.a. Matt Murdock) in the comics. Given the official introduction of Mutants in the MCU after Disney acquired 20th Century Fox, one character that viewers would especially like to see in the series is Typhoid Mary. Typhoid Mary is an alter ego used by the mutant woman Mary Walker, who later married Kingpin and became Mary Fisk.
Similar to Legion, though not nearly as powerful, Typhoid Mary was a mutant who suffered from dissociative identity disorder (DID). As a result, the nature of her powers often depended on which personality was in control. The character had a pretty tragic backstory and spent much of her life suffering from abuse, misunderstanding, and mental illness. She was a lover/enemy of Daredevil, as well as the second wife of Wilson Fisk. Adding her to Daredevil: Born Again, which is set to star Daredevil (Charlie Cox) and Kingpin (Victor D’Onofrio), could create some interesting dynamics.