Farrah Abraham Responds to Allegations of Clubbing, Drinking With Daughter Sophia

July 21, 2022

Farrah Abraham has made many, many questionable parenting decisions over the years.

In fact, it’s amazing that Farrah’s daughter, Sophia Abraham, has made it to the age of 13 without catching fire or being left behind in a cab or something.

In Sophia’s younger years, there were fears that Farrah was neglecting her daughter so that she could go out partying.

Now that the girl is in her teens, however, there are concerns that Farrah is bringing Sophia along when she goes out partying.

Recent photos of Farrah and Sophia at what appeared to be a club have led fans to call for Farrah to be investigated by CPS (again).

Commenters were particularly concerned by the beverage in the elder Abraham’s hand, as Farrah recently completed rehab after an incident in which she drunkenly attacked a security guard at an LA club.

“What the actual f–k?” one person commented on Farrah’s Instagram page.

Sophia Abraham, Farrah Abraham header 3 February 2022

“Shouldn’t she be doing this with her friends?” another asked, seemingly referring to Sophia.

“That’s mother of the year right there,” a third added.

“This is ridiculous,” a fourth chimed in.

Farrah Brings Sophia Along

But for once, it seems that there’s no real reason to be concerned about Farrah’s parenting.

“I guess there was some disturbance of me going to a concert with my daughter,” Farrah explained to TMZ this week.

“I wasn’t clubbing with her; it was an all-ages show, and I think, who better than to go with her child to a concert than her parent.”

Farrah Abraham Video Still

From there, Farrah decided to take a shot at Kylie Jenner’s baby daddy.

“Especially when there was, like, Travis Scott concerts of, like, kids dying,” she said.

“And I’m just taking it upon myself as I have a teenager now to just show her, like, maybe stay out of the mosh pits, stay out of the danger zones when you’re at concerts.”

Farrah and Sophia on Mother's Day

We can’t believe we’re about to say this, but — Farrah is actually making sense here!

Farrah says she found out about the concert at the last minute, when Sophia and her friends decided that they wanted to see Lil Darkie perform at a nearby venue.

“I literally found out about it like two hours before because her summer camp friends wanted to go to this concert,” Farrah told TMZ.

Farrah Abraham and Sophia Abraham - lips face masks

“So I was there with all the cool moms, and making sure the kids were safe, and we really had a good time

“It was like my first concert that my daughter picked for us to go to. I enjoyed it. I love spending time with my daughter.”

As for the concerns that Farrah was knocking back beers at the concert, she says they’re unfounded.

And indeed, pics from the event show Farrah drinking canned water from the popular Liquid Death brand.

“12 steps. I just rave about it. I go to a concert with my daughter, and there’s no drinking; it’s just water,” Abraham told TMZ.

Well, it doesn’t happen often, but it seems that the latest concerns about Farrah’s shoddy parenting are totally unfounded.

Hey, even a broken clock is right twice a day, right?

Farrah Abraham Responds to Allegations of Clubbing, Drinking With Daughter Sophia was originally published on The Hollywood Gossip .

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