Amber Heard Blasts Johnny Depp's TikTok Statement: I'm the Victim Here!

June 08, 2022

It's been one full week since the verdict was announced in the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard defamation case.

And Depp's multi-million dollar victory over Heard is still a major source of controversy.

Depp and his supporters are basking in the win and celebrating all over the world.

The actor is currently in the UK, where he was joined by friends for a celebratory $60k dinner on Sunday night.


Depp also made his debut on TikTok over the weekend.

Alongside a video montage of his recent performances with rock legend Jeff Beck, Johnny posted a lengthy caption in which he thanked his fans for their support during the trial.

"To all of my most treasured, loyal and unwavering supporters. We've been everywhere together, we have seen everything together," Depp wrote.

"We have walked the same road together. We did the right thing together, all because you cared.

"And now, we will all move forward together," he continued.

"You are, as always, my employers and once again I am whittled down to no way to say thank you, other than just by saying thank you. So, thank you. My love & respect, JD." 

Reps for Heard issued a statement in which they slammed Depp's remarks and described his win as a setback for women and domestic violence survivors the world over.

"As Johnny Depp says he's 'moving forward,' women's rights are moving backward," the statement reads.

"The verdict's message to victims of domestic violence is ... be afraid to stand up and speak out."

Heard's comments are echoed by Ruth Glenn of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV), who is herself a survivor of abuse.

The organization came out in support of Heard after the verdict was announced, and Glenn tells TMZ that they've been receiving enormous pushback ever since.

“I’ve been doing this work for 30 years, and we’ve had some high-profile cases,” says Glenn.

“But I have never seen anything like this.”

Glenn says the support for Depp has less to do with the facts of the case and more to do with “his longevity in the celebrity world [and] his ability to have the resources to deploy PR machines… he’s been able to control the narrative and this trial.”

Heard is expected to appeal the verdict, which could mean that this matter will be re-litigated sometime in the very near future.

Whatever the case, it looks as though Depp's victory in the court of public opinion might not be as total as it initially appeared.

The actor continues to enjoy the lion's share of support on social media, but the NCADV and several prominent celebrities remain steadfast in their support for Heard.

Depp has not responded to Heard's latest statement or the comments from the NCADV, and it's unlikely that he'll make any sort of public remark.

But Heard effectively has sent the message that she won't be dropping the matter anytime soon.

So while the celebrity trial of the century may have come to an end, it seems that the battle between Depp and Heard is far from over.

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