The 10 Best Found Footage Horror Movies (That Aren’t ‘Blair Witch’ or ‘Paranormal Activity’)

June 14, 2022

Scarlett in As Above, So Below

It’s controversial but it needs to be said, I think The Blair Witch Project (1999) is overrated. Not that I don’t appreciate it—the film helped jump-start the found footage subgenre and rattled horror fans at the time. But, let’s be honest, it’s really only the last 5 minutes that people remember the most. And an ending simply doesn’t save a whole movie. There are many horror fans who don’t care for it, and as a result, some have sworn off or dismissed the whole found footage subgenre.

Which is too bad, because, over the years, found footage has captured the hearts of many horror fans. It can be really freaky and effective because of how real the movies tend to feel. Whether the style for the films is handheld cameras, computers, or phone screens, etc.—the end result can be fun!

Though, just like other subgenres, it’s a process to shift through the duds to find gold. Most people have seen the Paranormal Activity franchise, but where do you turn when you want something a little off the beaten path (but still a fantastic watch)? And if that’s why you’re reading this, you’re in the right place. Out of all the found footage that I’ve personally watched, these are the best.

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