Loren Brovarnik Explains Why She Got Pregnant with Baby #3 So Quickly

May 20, 2022

Timing is everything!

On Mother's Day, Loren Brovarnik revealed that she is pregnant with Baby #3.

While people are happy for her and Alexei, some are taken aback that she is expecting another child already.

The announcement came less than nine months after Baby Asher's birth. How did that happen?

Loren Brovarnik speaks IG Story (May 2022)

Shai is two years old. Asher is 8 months old.

Very soon, they will both be big brothers, as Loren is due as early as this autumn.

But considering that BabyB will be born just one year after Asher, and how soon after Shai the pair had Asher, fans have questions.

Obviously, most people are too polite to directly ask Loren why she keeps making Brovarniks.

But ... obviously, some have asked her directly, including on social media Q&As.

This week, Loren took to her Instagram Stories to answer that invasive (but understandable) question.

So how, exactly, did Loren get pregnant with Baby #3 such a short time after welcoming baby Asher?

"When a man loves a woman, and a woman loves a man, and tequila is involved, things happen," she replied.

She's joking. Honestly, it's pretty polite of her to have answered at all. It's an impertinent question to ask directly.

While we kind of doubt that tequila played much of a role, what Loren means is that she and Alexei just happened to conceive.

This echoes her earliest statements about the pregnancy, made when she gave her announcement.

At the time, she told multiple outlets that it was "a surprise" that she was pregnant again already.

Loren's goofy, patronizing answer basically just means that she and Alexei probably weren't using contraception, but didn't expect to conceive again so soon.

While the financial stability to do so is rare these days, some couples do just conceive whenever they happen to conceive until they have as many kids as they plan to have.

As for those plans, Loren has touched upon that topic in the past.

Alexei had apparently expressed a desire for "four" children.

Loren's reply had been that only if their third pregnancy resulted in twins.

While they do not yet know the expected sex of their child (and are saving that knowledge for BabyB's birth), presumably they are only expecting one baby at this time.

For some parents -- many, in fact, the experience is simple.

Having two small kids is more than just twice the work of one child, as there are suddenly new concerns and problems and issues to handle.

Having three means even more -- and also the reality of being "outnumbered" by their brood.

Some families do go on to have four children, or more.

While some parents joke that this is simply because "sleep deprivation" robbed them of their senses, it can also be intentional.

In some families, there is an ideology, like white supremacy or Christian Dominionism or, less directly, a disbelief in contraception, behind the drive to procreate.

Perhaps that (not the Christian Dominionism stuff, but more vague ideology stuff) is why people asked.

It's also possible that some fans wondered if Loren and Alexei felt that they had a deadline.

Some families choose to have children sooner rather than later for specific goals, including to finish having kids so that one party can undergo a medically necessary surgery that will also render them infertile.

Loren and Alexei are making it clear that, frankly, it's not that deep.

They boned, Loren got pregnant, and they're welcoming Baby #3 this fall.

Sometimes, the simplest explanation is the right one.

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