The Best ‘Killing Eve’ Episodes, Ranked

May 29, 2022

Villanelle and Eve kiss for the first time

Shows can leave imprints on culture as we know it, especially queer culture if a show has worthwhile queer characters. Since let’s face it, there are not always queer writers in a writing room. Nor are there a lot of openly queer show runners. Unfortunately, Killing Eve’s final season proved that cishet writers continuing to write queer stories shouldn’t be the future. Are there allies that won’t/don’t feed the ‘bury your gays’ trope? Of course, there are. Unfortunately, the show’s final episode wasn’t graced with that sentiment. And the writers’ room wasn’t very diverse, leaving only one queer writer (Kayleigh Llewellyn) in the bunch.

The show’s fourth and final season was such a letdown and the finale was heartbreaking. Leaving many of us in the queer community wondering: why did I bother with this season? In fact, a lot of fans are planning to stop their rewatches at the season 3 finale. 

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