Jim Bob Duggar Flees Courtroom, Refuses to Comment on Son's Sentence

May 26, 2022

On May 25, just over six months since he was found guilty of child sex abuse by a jury of his peers, Josh Duggar was sentenced by a judge in Arkansas.

As previously reported, the former reality star was given 151 months behind federal bars; a sentence that amounts to approximately 12 and a half years in prison.

The decree came down by Arkansas judge Timothy L. Brooks, who listened to both the defense and prosecution makes arguments in court over why Duggar deserves either a lenient sentence (5 years, his lawyers reasoned) or the maximum sentence (20 years, according to the government).

In the end, Brooks labeled Duggar's crimes "crimes “the sickest of the sick” before making his announcement.

Among those inside the Western District of Arkansas Federal Courthouse in Fayetteville when Brooks issued this sentence were Josh's father, Jim Bob; his wife; Anna; and his siblings Joy-Anna (Duggar) Forsyth and Jason Duggar.

Almost immediately after the sentencing was handed down, a local news crew caught Jim Bob walking briskly to his parked car.

He was asked on multiple occasions how he felt about the 12 and a half year ruling, refusing to stop for reporters who peppered him with these kinds of questions.

As you can see in the footage featured on this page, cameras also caught Anna Duggar leaving the courthouse.

No one related to Josh has yet spoken to the press or released a statement of any kind.

However, defense attorney Justin Gelfand said the following on Wednesday afternoon:

“We are grateful that the court dismissed one of only two counts of the indictment and that the court rejected the government’s request for a 240 month sentence.

"We’ll immediately file the notice of appeal within the next 14 days, as required by law."

As for the prosecution?

Government attorneys reiterated after the hearing that “no one person is above the law, no matter their wealth, their social status, or anything else," adding:

“This case, this trial, this sentence is for the victims of child abuse not just the victims of child abuse here on the western district of Arkansas, but the victims of child abuse everywhere.

"This case shows that these children are subject to some of the worst kinds of abuses imaginable … this case shows that their pain is real, that their suffering is real."

Back iin May 2019, agents raided Duggar place of work, discovering at the time dozens and dozens of sexually graphic photos and videos.

This material featured children under the age of 12. Some even featured children under the age of 2.

Duggar was then arrested in April 2020 and his trial got underway late last year.

Leading up to Wednesday's sentencing, members of Josh Duggar's famous family spoke out both in favor and against the former reality star.

Mother Michelle, for example, wrote a letter to Judge Brooks asking for leniency in his sentencing because "Joshua has a tender heart and he is compassionate toward others."

Anna also penned a letter to Judge Brooks calling her husband a "loving, supportive and caring father."

According to various sources, Anna still believes Josh is innocent.

And she has no plans to divorce him.

Concluded the prosection after the setence was made official:

"We know that this case isn’t going to take away the suffering and the pain they’ve already felt from this abuse.

"But it’s our hope that this sentence sheds light on this very dark criminal conduct, because every single time these files are traded, shared and downloaded online, those same children are victimized all over again.”

Duggar will soon be transported from a detention center to a federal prison in order to begin his lengthy stint behind bars.

Jim bob duggar flees courtroom in anger refuses to comment on so

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