Amber Portwood Completes Probation: That's the LAST Time I Attack a Baby Daddy!

May 05, 2022

Teen Mom viewers are keenly aware of how troubled Amber Portwood's history have been.

But even Gary Shirley has praised Amber's transformation, noting that she's a better person now than she was even a couple of years ago.

It looks like the courts agree.

Amber has successfully completed her probation following her 2019 attack on Andrew Glennon. Let's hope that it sticks.

The Sun reports that Amber Portwood wrapped up her 906 days of probation last week.

The Teen Mom OG star has now been discharged by the court of Marion County, Indiana.

She was sentenced to probation in October of 2019, just three months after her domestic violence arrest.

Of course, considering the horror show that led to that arrest in July, Amber's sentence involved more than simply waiting out the clock.

She had to fulfill the other terms of her sentence, which of course included completing substance abuse and mental health evaluations.

Amber also had to pay a $1,285 fine.

Amber has had to undergo random urine and breath examinations at least once a month since her October sentencing.

According to court records, she has obliged, submitting 21 negative drug tests without missing a single scheduled test or testing positive even once.

That doesn't just mean no use of illegal drugs, but also no alcohol whatsoever.

There was more, and in some ways, this may have been the most important part of what was required.

Amber was instructed by the court to complete parenting classes and a Batterers' Intervention Program.

Court records show that Amber complied -- but that's not all.

Amber actually reflected upon her experiences in the Batterers' Intervention Program in her recent book, So, You're Crazy Too?

“One program that has really helped me has been the Batterers’ Intervention Program,” she wrote in her book.

“Maybe it was the timing of it all," Amber speculated.

"I was finally ready to accept responsibility for my actions," Amber wrote, "and learn ways to keep the actions from happening again."

She continued: "Whatever the reason, I learned a lot from this program."

Amber explained: “They teach you the power of holding back and the value of walking away from conflict."

Honestly, that part -- the beginning -- sounds like a generic I've learned my lesson line of dubious sincerity.

Then, however, it gets more personal.

Amber talks about her upbringing led her down a path to become an abuser herself.

“Where I grew up, it was a sign of weakness to walk away from conflict," Amber explained.

She affirmed: "This program taught me that walking away from a potentially explosive situation is actually a sign of great inner strength.”

While no background or personal history could ever excuse abuse, it can explain behaviors and help people process their motivations and choose a better way.

It wasn't just what she learned in the program, but her attitude going into it, that helped Amber to make changes.

“I was determined to fulfill my probation and eager to take anything I could get out of the classes I was mandated to attend,” she reflected in her book.

“I started to learn other ways of coping with fear and danger and intimidation through this program," Amber added.

"Although I know this is a lifelong battle," Amber acknowledged, "I am hopeful my days of mug shots and court appearances are behind me for good.”

We certainly hope so, too.

Nothing can make Amber's past misdeeds go away, but she -- and only she -- has the power to make sure that history does not repeat itself.

Additionally, court records show that Amber did not violate the no-contact order that was in place to protect Andrew Glennon.

That order has now ended.

For a long time, now, Amber and Andrew's direct contact has been exclusively about their son, James.

Amber's charge of Domestic Battery has now been dismissed. (Hopefully, it will be her last)

Instead, the charge on her permanent record is an Alternative Misdemeanor Sentencing -- a Level 6 Felony.

Long story short, it looks less bad in the long run when people do criminal background checks.

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