We’re Swooning Over Buff Natalie Portman in ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’

May 07, 2022

Natalie Portman as Jane Foster in 'Thor: Love and Thunder'.

Ever since Marvel announced ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’, we’ve been amped for the fourth installment of the Thor saga. And this is largely due to Taika Waititi’s hilarious and heartfelt ‘Thor: Ragnarok’, which rejuvenated the series with colorful visuals and plenty of humor. Waititi returns for ‘Love and Thunder’, bringing with him Natalie Portman’s Jane Foster, Thor’s abandoned love interest. But no longer will Portman play a lovestruck scientists on the sidelines. ‘Love and Thunder’ will find Foster reborn as Mighty Thor, wielding Mjolnir and kicking all kinds of ass. We caught a brief glimpse of Portman in the teaser trailer, but exclusive new photos from Empire Magazine give us our first real look at Mighty Thor:

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