Tara Reid ready to leverage Tara Reade confusion into speaking engagements

May 08, 2020

“American Pie” star Tara Reid is leaning into the confusion on Twitter between her and Joe Biden accuser Tara Reade — with the actress reinventing herself as a motivational speaker for female empowerment and equal pay for women amid the #MeToo movement.

Ever since Reade, 56, a former Senate aide to Biden, publicly accused the presidential candidate of sexual assault, which he strongly denies, “Sharknado” actress Reid, 44, has seen her Twitter timeline inundated with threatening and snarky comments from commentators mixing them up. Yet sources said Reid is also adversely becoming in big demand for personal appearances and product endorsements.

Now a publicist for Reid is ramping up her presence on the motivational speaking circuit to capitalize on the misreckoning.

Philippe Ashfield, a literary and talent manger, says, “Tara Reid is set for motivational speaking on female empowerment and equal pay for women in Hollywood, after all she has been judged for being beautiful, blonde and female for many years before the #MeToo movement happened.” He added, “Tara is set to make a major comeback in the next 12 months.”

Her comedy feature film “Tom, Dick and Harry,” in which she was due to play a casino croupier and an American spy has been put on hold amid the pandemic, as well as the remake of Stephen King’s “Salem Lot,” in which she is also due to star.

Following confused comments on social media such as, “Serious question: Did Joe Biden allegedly sexually assault Tara Reid before or after Sharknado?” Reid told The Post, “It’s so crazy. I looked at my Twitter and people were telling me ‘You’re a wrong, bad person!’ I was like, ‘You’ve lost your mind … it’s not me! You’ve got the wrong Tara!”

Reid added, “I mean, c’mon … I’ve done a lot over the years, but not this … I don’t know Joe Biden … I’m not into politics at all. What is going on? The wrong person to bring into politics is me.”

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