These 15 Life Hacks Are so Dumb, We’re Scared for the People Who Made Them
e all know about life hacks. They're supposed to make life simpler and (in most cases) they do. Then of course, there are those life hacks so downright stupid, you wonder who came up with them, why they did, and how can you find these people before they mistakenly kill themselves doing these stupid things.
These life hacks actually have a better term to describe them: Life Fails. Here are a few of the most egregious ones.
Hey, you! Yes, you. Have you ever been in this situation? You have a hole in your sock and your big toe is sticking out like a sore thumb.
You could of course walk around with your toe all out for everyone to see. Or you could do what this hacker did. Clever, isn’t it? So clever that it’ll probably last you a couple of days cause – you know – it’s permanent marker.
That patch of black on your toe is totally sexy.
Okay, this one is just...sketchy...
Because who among us hasn’t wanted to put a plastic bag between our legs to catch pube hair before it falls to the ground? We got one word for you, buddy — wax.
Or, you know, you could just shell out $30 and let a professional handle it. Just sayin’.
This right here. This is just rude.
That being said, there is nothing like the ingenuity of a college student. We get it — it’s exhausting going to class, going to parties, keeping a social life while maintaining that all important GPA, but this? This is just savagery.
Here is another hack only an exhausted college student could think of.
It’s a conundrum, really. Here you have a book, but no placeholder to keep your place. That of course is where the ketchup comes in. Is this smart? Nope. Is this polite? Heck, no.
But if it works, it works.
To add insult to injury, the book is Death of a Salesman.
We have literally no words to describe this life hack.
Okay well, maybe we have a few:
- Why?
- Are you considering waking some ancient medieval death god through the ancient art of candle dripping?
- Aren’t you afraid this thing is going to come alive and eat you?
- Just who in God’s name would buy this thing and for the exorbitant price of $200?
- Did you include shipping and handling?
- Has it come alive and eaten you yet?