This Woman’s Brave Email to Her Employer Is Helping to Shatter Stigmas Around Mental Health

December 31, 2017

ith New Years Eve just around the corner, the year that it felt like it would never end is finally coming to a close. 2017 gave us a lot of things that we didn’t want and/or ask for and would very much like to return (Here’s looking at you gun violence, sexual assault, and people yelling “Fake News!” about things they just don’t like).

In a year in which the brightest moment was literally the sun being blocked out for a short period of time (we’ll let the historical fiction writers of the future untangle that irony) it’s hard to find things to celebrate, but there were some highlights.

One great story from 2017 was about a woman who stood up for her own mental health, and was rewarded in return.


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