These Brilliant Money-Saving Life Hacks Are the Perfect Mix of Genius and Lazy
t's getting more and more expensive to maintain a basic lifestyle, so just about everyone is looking for ways to save some money any way they can. And if they aren't looking for a way to save money, they're looking to save time.
Whether you're a college student, fresh out of school, or just trying to save some money or energy, there is a hack in here for you. And just for good measure, we've rated all of them "genius" or "lazy."
If you're throwing a party and ran out of space in your fridge, here is a creative solution.
The ice melts into the machine and it just drains itself.
This one earns a “genius” for sure.
A big part of moving out on your own for the first time is realizing all the things you don't own.
But fear not, if you don’t have a strainer then you can use a tennis racquet in a pinch.
This one also gets a “genius”. Barely.
Washing dishes without a dishwasher is a giant pain.
In theory, this is a good one, but then you’re gonna run out of plastic wrap and have to go buy more when you could just do the dishes.
Unfortunately, the first “lazy” is awarded to you, my friend.
Dishes are a serious impediment for a ton of college kids.
Okay, as much as we want to call this one lazy, it’s actually kind of genius.
Another “genius”, well earned.
Seriously, why are dishes such a big deal?
Don’t have time to do the dishes? Wash ’em while you wash yourself!
Okay, actually don’t do that. This one isn’t lazy or genius, it’s just gross.