Trump Claimed His Approval Rating Is the Same as Obama’s in His First Year. It Is Not.
here are a lot of things that make Donald Trump mad. One of them — though he'd never admit it — is that he can't hold a candle to Barack Obama. Obama was the coolest. The best president, the best dad, the best president dad. Obama is effortlessly suave and charming, super smart and well-read, in love with his gorgeous wife... Donald Trump is none of those things. And somewhere, deep down in the recesses of his bowels, he knows it.
That's why it's so precious that Trump tried to compare himself to Obama in his first year. He claimed they both have the same approval rating, and not only is that laughably wrong, it is so obvious to anyone in the U.S. who can hear and/or see what's going on every single day.
Let's go through some of the things that upset dear old Donald Trump.
We probably can’t cover it all. If we tried, we’d be here all week. Trump has started feuds with senators, actors, and newspapers, which is impressive because newspapers aren’t even living things.
But the thing that Donald Trump can't stand above all else is losing. Being a loser. Not winning.
Trump claims that he’s winning all the time. He calls everyone else “losers” and constantly tries to build himself up by tearing other people down. (This is something you have to do if you have zero good qualities but still want to be perceived as a “winner.”)
But Trump has lost time and again.
He’s a loser.
And he's especially bitter about how much of a loser he is compared to Barack Obama.
Look at that fake smile! Donald Trump hates Barack Obama so much that he has dedicated his entire presidency to undoing the good that Obama did, even if that means killing millions of Americans who can no longer afford treatment for their medical issues.
And yet, Trump just fired off an insane tweet claiming that he and Barack Obama have the same approval rating for their first years in office…