These Parents Are Raising ‘Feral’ Children — on Purpose

October 30, 2017

ot much gets judged more harshly than other people's parenting. We label and judge and criticize parenting styles and choices that differ from our own. Helicopter parents, free-range kids, tiger moms, parents who yell too much, parents who are too lenient, parents who are friends with their kids, parents who are too authoritarian, parents who are too protective, and, gasp!, parents who kiss their children on the lips. All of these parents are fair game for judgment, ridicule, and "friendly" advice from strangers.

Internet derision aside, in real life, most of us try not to cast judgment. We're all just doing our best. We have good moments and bad, and unfortunately some of those bad ones happen in public. But even the most open-minded among us are struggling with a new British reality show.

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