Comedian Roasts 'White Lives Matter' Activists In Epic Fashion, And Twitter Is Floored
There are some White Lives Matter protests popping up over the country, but it's unclear as to what they're exactly protesting.
Is it white people sitting with black people? Is it just to plan to throw an event for the heck of it and then cancelling it the second counter-protesters come to tell you to know it off? It's obvious that the name of the movement is in direct response to Black Lives Matter, which is clearly a demonstration of peaceful protest against police brutality, which has been well-documented.
But what is White Lives Matter about, if not white supremacy? Comedian Jess Dweck had an idea, and by idea, I mean a scathing joke.
Now this is, admittedly, a very specific joke. One that sparked a heated discussion about classism.
But other people started chiming in about what the White Lives Matter movement is really about, and some of the replies are downright hilarious.
Others talked about the group's perceived "injustices" as the belief that they're entitled to something because they're white.
And then someone made this point about the entire "class vs race" debate in the piece that's hard to argue.